Monday, May 26, 2008

That's It, I'm Taking the Plunge

Well, I am going to do it, no, not that. After reading Skippy's blog about not eating meat (which I was a vegetarian during Skippy's pregnancy) I have decided to head back in that direction. And I will explain why.

I know eating meat is taxing on our environment, but I can save that for another post. But bottom line, I know how much better I feel when my body does not have meat in it. I am not a cold turkey type of person, so I will start to eliminate things as I see fit. And due to the fact that I do the grocery shopping, then I have control (Insert evil Frankenstein laugh here). Here was what jolted me into thinking I could do this.

I went to the grocery store, with my measly $??.?? and had to adhere to a strict budget (Nothing new these days). And we did not have the luxury of a 9-5er job that would give us Memorial Day of to BBQ with our families so we usually improvise and have our meal when the most of us are at the table at one time.

So I picked up a package of ground turkey instead of ground beef. Ground turkey is not a new concept to me, it's just my in-laws have been helping us with some groceries here and there and they are staunch supporters of beef. I asked my husband the last time they offered to help, if he could only purchase poultry. He did and I was happy. Now back to the ground turkey. My daughter and I were preparing potato salad and burgers (Turkey of course) and I spiced those puppies up, for I know that turkey has less fat, less fat means less flavor. Never fear, my spice cabinet is filled to the brim with things I can barely pronounce, let alone know what to do with them (Just kidding). They don't call me the Cooking Lady for nothing. So in went wasabi paste, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, a bit of cumin and a few other things. Put them in my manual patty maker (Wow is that thing cool), which makes them perfectly sized so they actually fit the bun...what a concept.They went on our generic George Foreman grill and whamo!, they were deeelicious.

I knew then that I could curtail my red meat and eventually give it up. There are nights when my son and husband both work the evening shift and me and my daughter do not have to consume meat. Well she never does...duh! But we are nearly giddy when meat is not on the table, and trust me when I tell you, we do not go hungry.

Years back I had vegan friends who lived up north (As did I) and I put together a vegan Christmas meal. No, I did really, and man oh man, were we all full. I had to do a bit of research, but I had a blast. It definitely stretched my culinary skills.

So keep tuned into see how I manage this task. I think I will be successful. I have given up white sugar and white flour, the rest should be a breeze.


Freakmom said...

Your turkey burgers sound yummy!

Skippy said...

You go mom! And that patty press was awesome.

Kristi B said...

Congratulations on making a healthy move for your family! Thanks for paying a visit over to my blog!

Donna said...

Those turkey burgers do sound delicious. Good for you making a move to remove meat! Removing sugar also, You are doing GREAT!