Friday, August 1, 2008

The Choices We Make

I read a blog recently where a mother had her children coming to her saying that got tummy aches when they ate fruit and vegetables. So she put on her mommies cap and told her little ones that she could make their tummy aches go away by taking them to the doctors and getting a shot with a huge needle. Well, needless to say, and with miraculous speed, her children were cured. Now here is what I find odd. She stated that her children never had tummy aches when they ate junk food.

What amazes me still, and yet it shouldn't, that there are still so many families who still purchase junk food. We all know that down side to processed foods, and well all know the benefits to fresh fruit and vegetables, so why are we still stuffing our faces with this crap that is pushed on us by the big conglomerates. I would like to see their dinner plates. I bet you a million bucks their dinner plates are not loaded with the stuff they are trying to sell us(The big shots, is who I am referring to). Guaranteed, they are living the good life with fresh fruit and vegetables. I want to know how people, and parents can sleep at night knowing they are blatantly putting poison into their children's bodies.

Maybe I am coming off as someone standing on a soapbox, but I still cannot believe that in this day and age that we buy into the advertising these morons are trying to push down our throats.Case in point. My nephew, he are already at 15 months, is having problems with his bowel movements. Fifteen months. Come on. What kind of diet are you already feeding this child. And if this what he will see as normal, what is he being set up for? Childhood obesity, childhood diabetes, and who knows what else.Was it difficult for us to let go of some of this processed foods we clung to? I would have to say yes. And it was not so much the taste of the food, but the convenience of the food. What's not to love about picking up a box of cereal and pouring into your bowl. But what are you doing to your body? It may no show up today, or even tomorrow, but it will come back and bite you in the butt(Which will definitely be bigger by eating that cereal) in the years to come.

We all have the power to make choices. Those choices are not easy ones, but we make them. I choose not to smoke. Is that a difficult decision? Not for me,for I see what it does. I choose to drink rarely, if ever. Is that a difficult decision for me? Not really. I can go months without touching a drop of liquor, and that makes me fell good. That lets me know that I am in control of my body and in control of my life.When I used to be in the working world I was a cashier at a popular grocery chain. I would see people come through my line and have three and four 12 packs of soda. I would ask them, "Are you having a party?" And they would answer, very matter-of-factly, "No, we buy this every time we shop(Which for most people is weekly). My expression probably gave away how I felt. I would tell them, that we don't have sodas in our home. And they were truly amazed at how that was possible. "How do you not have sodas in your home?" And I politely as possible looked them in the eye and said. "You buy the groceries don't you? Just don't buy them...end of discussion." "Oh no, there would be an uproar when I got home."I knew then the mentality I was dealing with. I feel bad for people who feel they are not in control. I used to hear it all the time. "My kids would be husband would not tolerate not having..." Those people amaze me. I also feel if you are not willing to do what it takes to make changes, then you have no right to complain.

Again that may be a biased view, but if you smoke, don't tell me how may times you have had bronchitis, or if you are a drinker, I do not want to hear about your hangover, and if you put an extra piece of cheesecake in your mouth, then I don't want to hear that your pants don't fit any longer. You are in control, you have the power to make changes. So make them, whether it is what color to paint the bathroom, or what meal you will cook tonight. Stand up for what you know is right, and for what you believe in.


fitncrafty said...

Is there room on your soapbox for me! I will stand up there with you!

Skippy said...

You told me when I was little that if I ate junk food I would get a tummy ach...I went no were near candy.

besaroboy said...

With the power that large corporations have through advertising over the general masses, we as people (who can't really help being influenced by commercials and society) need someone to be brave and stand up on that soapbox and scream the truth (well maybe just speaking the truth would be more effective.) I say good for no (no grat for you!)

Caroline Twum said...

There is absolutely no junk food in my house. Sometimes, my dad might slip in a candy bar or two and at times my mom would get really cross. Junk food is gross.

Rose Valentine said...

There is absolutely no junk food in my house. Sometimes, my dad might slip in a candy bar or two and at times my mom would get really cross. Junk food is gross.

*sorry, i accidently signed in with my sister's account.

Tammie said...

Oh you said it! Would you mind if I quoted you on my blog sometime? I have very similar "soap box" but it doesn't ever come out that good! Maybe I'm afraid of offending! But heay sometimes the truth hurts but it is just what needs to be heard!

Kelli said...

I once heard about a big-shot TV executive who didn't allow a television in his home, much less local channels, cable or satellite.